so on brand

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A vivid exploration of how branding shapes and colors every aspect of life, inspiring readers to see the beauty in their own brand stories.

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Let’s dive into a heart-to-heart about something that seriously flipped my world from dreaming to actually achieving. I’m talking about the Wealthy Web Designer course by Becca Luna. 🌟 Just a couple of years back, I was right where you might be now — craving freedom, dreaming of ditching the regular 9-5, and wanting to […]

June 5, 2024

Hi Love, I'm 

Ever felt boxed in by a brand that just doesn’t resonate with who you are or what you dream to be? I've been there—strapped to a 'professional' image that didn't reflect my true self. My breakthrough came when I began empowering women like you to express their authentic selves through tailored branding and websites that truly tell their stories.

This journey transformed me, helping me find my calling as a branding coach and web designer with over six years of turning visions into vibrant realities. Wild Powerful is a space where fearlessness meets creativity.



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Becca Luna Education

June 5, 2024

Let’s dive into a heart-to-heart about something that seriously flipped my world from dreaming to actually achieving. I’m talking about the Wealthy Web Designer course by Becca Luna. 🌟 Just a couple of years back, I was right where you might be now — craving freedom, dreaming of ditching the regular 9-5, and wanting to […]

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June 3, 2024

Becca Luna WWD

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November 8, 2022


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